It is Vacation Bible School time!
This year’s VBS will be held in partnership with Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church of Holway and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Medford. The churches are planning a one-day event for children in grades K-6, which will be held at Northwoods Archery.
The children will rotate through a variety of faith-based activities while enjoying the outdoors. They will also have the opportunity to learn the art of archery under the supervision of trained archery instructors. All activities are planned for outside so please dress your child accordingly.
Date: Thursday, July 21, 2022
Audience: Children in grades K-6
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. (lunch and snacks provided)
Location: Northwoods Archery, N2314 Pirus Road, Withee, WI
Middle school and high schoolers are encouraged to come along to be helpers. Adult helpers are welcome.
8:00 Children from all churches meet at St. Paul’s
Lutheran Church (321 N. Park Ave., Medford)
8:15 Opening – The Perfect Archer story + song
9:00 Load the bus to go to Northwoods Archery
9:30 Arrive at Northwoods Archery
10:00 Stations 1 & 2
11:30 Lunch and Recess time (lunch and snacks
12:15 Stations 3 & 4
1:45 Snack
2:05 Station 5 + clean up
2:55 Arrive at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church for closing
3:45 Arrive at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for parent pickup on side of the church by the road. The parking lot will be closed due to the Mobile Food Pantry.
Please use this link to register for Vacation Bible School.
Registration due by July 11. Forms available at the Medford UMC office.