United Methodist Women

PURPOSE of the United Methodist Women

The organized unit of the United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation on the global ministries of the Church.

PURPOSE of the Women’s Division
The women’s division shall be actively engaged in fulfilling the mission of Christ and the Church and shall interpret the PURPOSE of United Methodist Women.  With continuing awareness of the concerns and responsibilities of the Church in today’s world, the women’s division shall be an advocate for the oppressed and dispossessed with special attention to the needs of the women and children; shall work to build a supportive community among women; and shall engage in activities that foster growth in the Christian faith, mission education, and Christian social involvement throughout the organization.

Membership shall be open to any woman who indicates her desire to belong and to participate in the global mission of the church through United Methodist Women.

Connectional Ministry
In each district, there shall be a district organization named United Methodist Women, auxiliary to the conference organization of United Methodist Women and the Women’s Division of the Board of Global Missions.  All members or organized units of United Methodist Women in the local churches of the district shall be considered members of the district organization.
In each Annual Conference, there shall be a conference organization named United Methodist Women, auxiliary to the jurisdiction organization of United Methodist Women and to the Women’s Division of the Board of Global Ministries.  The conference organization of United Methodist Women shall be composed of all members of local units within the bounds of the conference.
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