Afternoon Circle

Around 1921, the ladies of the congregation formed a group that is now known as the Afternoon Circle.  It is primarily a social group of about 10  women who are members of the Medford United Methodist Church.  They meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  Each meeting starts with devotions followed by a business meeting and a time of fellowship.  Throughout the year, activities are scheduled for fundraising t-o help with the needs of the local church, community and a few national or international missions. Women of all ages are welcome to attend.

For information on joining this group, call the church office at 715-748-2165


Yearly Activities/Events Mission Projects
Rummage sales (spring and fall) Campus Crusade
Bake sales UMCOR
Bake/serve at funerals Thank Offering
Support UM camp scholarships Salvation Army
Provide Upper Room devotional booklets Local food pantry
McCurdy School in NM
Provide flowers for worship
Members are part of the Prayer Chain
Purchased roaster for church kitchen
Purchased glider rocker for Nursery
Purchased chairs for Fellowship Hall
Annual conference In-gathering mission